Davis Theatre I
RATING: Recommended for the Whole Family
This musical transports us from the twilight of the Russian Empire to the euphoria of 1920s Paris as a young woman sets out to discover her past.
We are excited to announce the Anastasia Cast:
Anya - Carley Venter
Dmitry - Shawn Mulligan
Gleb -Matt Rist
Vlad - Daryl Berry
Countess Lily - Renee Pocsik
Grand Duchess - Maija Johnson
Tsarina Alexandra - Heather Bredimus
Tsar Nicholas - Todd Lagus
Little Anastasia - Charlotte Himes/Molly Bredimus/Atley Allen
Marfa - Alicia Stoffers
Paulina -Carmina Aguilar
Dunya -Hannah Allee
Teen Anastasia - Jenna Perea
Count Gregory -Christian Chappell
Countess Gregory - Alex Calentine
Count Ipolitov - Tyler Klattenhoff
Count Leopold - Tobin Brannan
Olga - Kayla Durgin
Tatiana - Lainee Atkinson
Maria - Celeste Troschinetz
Alexei - Kayson Simonds/Maverick Parks
Gorlinski - Matt Scott
Sergei - Jackson Lane
French Reporter - Logan Bredimus
Russian Reporter - Audrey Williams
German Reporter - Bethany Payan
Jack Bredimus
Bekah Cervantes
McKinnley Evans
David Garcia/Rylan Hayes
Kenley Green
Emily King
Mary Evelyn Lagus
Kristi Phillips
Daniella Rodriguez
Edith Rodriguez
Lily Reynolds
The first rehearsal will be on Sunday, November 24th at 1pm where headshots will be taken and the company rules read as well as a read-thru in the Redfern Rehearsal Room.
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