Want to be in a show?
Midland Community Theatre always welcomes new talent on our stages. We hold open auditions for any interested volunteers in the Permian Basin. Whether you are brand new to acting or returning to the stage after a long absence, MCT has a place for you.
Scripts are available at the MCT Box Office. The Box Office is open Tuesdays-Fridays from 12:00PM-5:00PM
For some of our shows, we will also provide an audition packet with pre-selected music and monologues. Usually provided for youth auditions, but sometimes we have unique requests – depending upon the needs of the show.
2000 W. Wadley Ave, Midland, TX 79705
Unless noted in the Audition Notice all Auditions take place at the Cole Theatre.
For more information on auditions, call the Box Office at (432) 570-4111.
Can anyone audition?
YES! Well – you must be at least 8 years of age at the time of Auditions to be considered for casting. Younger persons are not barred from auditions – they are welcome to practice until they are eligible.
What do I need to do before I audition?
Read the script OR read the story, listen to the music, see the movie, etc. It never hurts to do a little research and you may even want to play Pretend and act out new ideas while you “pretend” to be a certain character.
Dress for success. Wear shoes that you can dance or jump around in – no flip-flops, ever. You don’t need to dress up like the character, that’s a bit silly. Be ready to skip, twirl, and kick your heels up!
Know your schedule. If you have a lot of after-school or church activities, it may not be possible to squeeze in a show. Conflicts during rehearsals we can usually work around. Be cautious of conflicts during performances – they can affect casting decisions.
I am so nervous! What can I do to put my best foot forward?
Breathe. Taking deep breaths will help you relax AND speak louder. Try it. Speak clearly and slowly to the very last row of the theatre.
Stand Out. Stand tall, shoulders back, arms at your sides, head up, and feet firmly planted. This stance will make you feel strong and confident.
Smile. Casting folk like to be smiled at . . . and will help you feel less nervous to smile and encourage your fellow actors.
Why “Cold” Auditions?
It’s a test . . . of sorts.
We want to gauge how quickly you pick up on the material, how adventurous you might be in creating a character, and how you will “sell” a song.
Everyone starts at the same place . . . in a fashion.
By only sharing the audition materials at the Auditions we give everyone the same opportunity to learn the song, dances, and experience the scenes. While everyone has different levels of experience with singing, dancing, and acting – and even different strengths in all categories – we find “cold” auditions easier for all.
Auditions are not a competition – they are an opportunity!
We know that you desperately want to be in a show, but what’s the worse that could happen? You’ll just have to try again – and we will be right here encouraging you to do your best – always.
We are rooting for you! We want you to do well and feel good about your audition.
We know you are nervous and take that into consideration when selecting the Cast.
Thank you for your interest in becoming part of MCT.
Copyright 2025 - Midland Community Theatre